Go Slow Kale Stir-Fry

I love kale. One of the many reasons why, is that it takes a while to chew it. You might be thinking- WTF? I want my food in my belly, and I want it in there now!

At first I was annoyed by this characteristic too, my friend. But I still wanted to eat it, because I knew it was good for my body (as it aids in detox, has loads of Vitamin A, C, and K, and one serving at just 36 calories contains 20% of the RDA of dietary fiber), yet I felt like I straight up did not have enough time to sit down and eat it. I tried an alternate route, and tossed some kale in a blender with other fruits, veggies, and almond milk. The drink took care of my chewing dilemma, but for some reason it only appeased my hunger temporarily, and I was not satisfied from just one smoothie. Drinking my food left me feeling disconnected from my meal, and I yearned for something more. “So, what,” you’re thinking, “First you complain about the chewing, but you’re not happy with drinking kale, either? What’s the deal!”

Well since then I’ve changed my thinking about kale. I was recently eating my Kale Stir-Fry, and realized something. As I was enjoying my bowl of veggies, I thought, “Wow, this is nice.” How often do we take the time to A. Sit down and eat at a table, or B. Think about the food we are eating, and nothing else? Eating kale forced me to sit down, pick up my fork, and mindfully chew my food. There is something about the chewing of steamed, cooked, and especially raw food that is so satisfying and grounding, that I’ve actually come to appreciate kale’s texture. It reminds me that I should be taking this time to nurture my body, because I totally deserve it.

So, in tribute to this realization, I am sharing my newly named Go Slow Kale Stir-fry recipe with you. Because you, my friend, deserve it.

Go Slow Kale Stir-Fry

Serves 2

1 bunch, or about 6-7 leaves kale
1.5 tablespoons sesame oil
2 cloves crushed garlic
1.5 teaspoons paprika
1/2 cup slice red onion
1/4 cups leeks (or more onion of any kind)
5 sliced buttons mushrooms
3/4 cup snap peas
2 tablespoons soy sauce, to taste
1 teaspoon peanut butter
splash soy creamer
salt & pepper to taste

Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the chopped garlic, both onions, and paprika to the oil. Cook and occasionally stir, about 5 minutes or until the red onions are nearly transparent.  Add the sliced mushroom, and cook another 5 minutes, or until the mushrooms are cooked to your liking. Add the kale, soy sauce, and 1-2 tablespoons water. When the kale begins to darken after a few minutes, add the snap peas (we want these to stay crunchy!) If the mixture looks too dry, add another tablespoons of water. When the veggies look done, yet still bright and colorful (3-4 more minutes) add the peanut butter and soy creamer and let the sauce thicken for a minute. When most of the water has evaporated and the vegetables look coated, add some salt and pepper and you’re done!

Cook time: roughly 20 minutes

Nom. Nom.

Couldn't wait to slow down and eat this (:

Be Grateful overnight oats

Message for the day:

Often I forget this simple life message. If someone interrupts my day to day routine- from a friend that drops by unexpectedly to a phone call from my mom- I get annoyed and feel as if they are inconveniencing me in some major way.  I occasionally, and embarrassingly, mimic a steamroller, and squash other people's emotions because I am too obsessed and concerned with what it is that I am  doing at that particular time. When I remind myself that others, like myself, need to be loved, appreciated, and given the time of day, it reminds me to slow-my-roll and of the joy having friends and family brings to my life. 

As I am feeling grateful for my parents, friends, and family, I want to share a recipe that I adapted from Oh She Glows. This is one kick ass recipe. I never thought to make oats in this fashion. Preparing them the night before saves time in the morning, and also requires no cooking! Yay! Below is the recipe that I have adapted (I left out the salt, and changed from almond milk to hemp milk).

Be Grateful Overnight Oats


about 1/3 cup oats (I used rolled)
1 cup hemp milk
about 1 tablespoon carob powder
a couple tablespoons walnuts (optional!)
1 ripe banana
2 tablespoons chia seeds
a little vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional!)

Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. This includes the oats, carob powder, chia seeds, and walnuts (if using). 

Now, add all the other ingredients! Don't forget to either chop up or mash the banana in. I chopped mine, but I have mashed it before. Here is a picture of it right before I mixed in the banana:

Put your tupperware in the fridge, and wait anywhere from one hour to overnight. And might I remind you... you can wake-up and eat these: no assembly required!  (:

Adios lactose

Cheers to the end of dairy. I am embarking on a strict vegan adventure, and blogging about it along the way.